Ice Cream Scented Eggs DIY

Hello Everyone,
If your reading this blog post then your probably either really intrigued, a little confused or maybe grossed out. No matter how your feeling I think you'll get a kick out of this DIY.

After writing my Eggastic DIY post, I wanted to come up with my own unique way to decorate eggs. So I decided to combine my two favorite loves, ice cream and Easter. Today I will be showing you guys how to turn some plain brown paper mache eggs into some scrumptious scented ice cream eggs.

Lets Get Crafty!

Paper Mache Eggs
Mint Color Paint (or whatever color you want your ice cream egg to be)
Black Paint
Foam Brush
Perfume (in whatever scent your ice cream egg is supposed to be)

Step 1: Paint your eggs.

Step 2: Once your eggs are dry add any other little details. Since I'm making mint chocolate chip eggs, I added tons of chocolate chips to my eggs using some black paint. 

Step 3: When your completely done with your eggs, spray them with your perfume.

Put them in a basket or bowl and your done!

This is probably one of my favorite DIYs that I've done in a while. I love the look of the eggs in the bowl and they really do smell delicious!

Well, I'm off to get some real ice cream!

xo Katie 

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