I'm on Xyron's 2016 Design Team!!!

Hello Everyone!

If you follow me on Facebook and Twitter, then you might already know that I will be on Xyron's 2016 Design Team!

To be honest, I applied for this team on a whim and was shocked to find out that I had actually made the team. Needless to say, I was extremely happy because working with Xyron (in any capacity) is a big win in my mind (lol)! 

If you're not familiar with Xyron, they are a company that creates products to enhance and protect your handmade creations. Some of the products that they are best known for are their sticker makers, creative stations and professional laminators. I would bet, that you have seen their products at one time or another because their small sticker makers are in the shape of an X! 

Since I will be on Xyron's Design Team, that means each month you will be seeing more DIY projects (published here on the blog) using some of their products, plus some other fun products! 

To find out more about Xyron and the other girls on the design team, click here

Also, I would like to say THANK YOU to all my readers who have ever commented, shared, pin or liked one of my projects because without you this wouldn't have been possible!!

xo Katie 

*All opinions are my own and even though I'm on Xyron's 2016 Design Team, I'm not getting paid for publishing this post.* 

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