My Weekend

Good Morning,
Yesterday I gave you guys a seek peek of what went on during my weekend, if you miss it then you can click here.

Today I wanted to share with you guys some pictures from this past weekend! Basically what happen was that my family and I, went antiquing all day on Saturday. Now I didn't get that many pictures because I found out that its hard to shop and take pictures at the same time. But I think you guys will enjoy the pics I did get.

These cute  little sheep were sitting on shelf, just waiting to be adopted by some thrifter....

Me by a Christmas tree.... one thing I did notice was that in every shop we went to, the owners already had their Christmas stuff anyone ready for the holidays yet? cause I'm not

Another cute little animal

Now these next pictures will make you drool all over your keyboard. In one of the shop we went to they had a kitchen display up, each self held a different color of kitchen supplies. They had cups, dishes, phones, salt and pepper shakers you name it, but their prices were high so I didn't come home with anything from this spot.... but it was cute to look at!

How about a pink cup to go with your blue bowl?

Sunshine yellow more your style?

I wanted that phone so bad but it was 68 dollars, a little to rich for my thrifting blood.

More blue....

More pink....

Mom's favorite section

I really wish this would have been for sale... cause it's just so darn cute! 


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