Difficult Holiday

Hello Everyone,
I had a very different post planned for today, but this past holiday was very difficult. Tuesday night my grandma passed away. I'm still in shock because she became sick so quickly and in a matter of days was gone. She was a big part of my life and many of my loves I got from her. My love of old movies, holiday decorating, garage sale shopping, cherry cokes and just having a good time.

It may be too soon to write this but I thought it might make me feel better. But sadly it doesn't. My heart is broken and her passing still doesn't seem real.

I also became sick over the holiday week, with the stomach flu. Which just made things more difficult. It may take me a while to get things back on track with the blog, but at least this is a start.



  1. Ah, so sorry to hear your news! Do know how you're feeling though, because my dearest husband went suddenly earlier this year too. Try to see that your Grandma is in a much better place - especially if she was not used to being ill. Being sick oneself does not help - one cannot help but feel worse: but nearly 6 months on from my loss, although the gap is still huge, every day is slightly better, because I REALLY KNOW that my Peter is better off. Being sorry is really for oneself: not the person who has died.

    Hope you feel better soon. Keep in touch at www.ColdhamCuddliescalling.blogspot.com anytime you want to.

    Hugs. Isobel

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I'm very close to my grandmother and I am very fortunate she has manage to battle cancer and still be around to talk to me daily. I do hope you feel better and my condolences to you and your family.

  3. Oh Katie,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. My thoughts are with you and your family, as you celebrate her life and remember the good times. I know it doesn't help much, but smiling about the good times always helps me get through the bad times.


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