Second Year Of Blogging!

Hello Everyone,
Today I am so excited to write this blog post because it marks my second year of blogging! That means I have written over 490 blog post (493 to be exact), have had a few giveaways, made a few friends and have been basically talking about my life for a whole two whole years. Sitting here writing this now I have so many things to say and I don't even know where to begin lol.

For starters, I never thought in a millions year that I would be blogging on a daily basis. I started this blog two years ago when I only had one month of high school left. Since that day ( and I know this sounds really cheesy) I have experienced and learned so many things about myself.

Within the past two years I have moved, started college, started my etsy shop, did some career/soul search and so much more. It crazy to think that I've kept up this blog for the last two years. But its nice that I can go back and read about all those crazy times.

One of the best things that has come from blogging is finding my passion and finding new friends to meet. Your support of my little blog and shop as meant to the world to me. The comments you leave make my day and make me want to blog more and more. I never thought that I would have 168 followers on GFC, 53 followers on Bloglovin and 66 followers on Pinterest! Every time I get a new follower it blows my mind because that means someone cares enough to read about girl's crazy crafting adventures from Ohio.

So if you have ever left a comment, shared my blog, become a follower or have just read my blog, I thank you so much.

Today is kinda like my new years day for my blog, meaning that I can dream new goals and new adventures. I don't know where this next year will take me and my little blog but I hope you stick around for the journey.

xo Katie


  1. Happy Anniversary! Visiting from the Etsy Blog Team :)

  2. Congrats!!
    I'm stopping by from Blogging Buddies but I also would like to invite you to a blog hop currently live on my blog today - it's a great way to network & help other people find your lovely blog.

  3. Happy Blogiversary, Katie! You changed your Etsy shop name, and it threw me off for a minute. =0) It's fun to go back and read old posts sometimes too.
    visiting from Blogging Buddies

    1. Sorry about that. I decided to change the name of the shop because I was going in a new ''direction'' for my products.

      Thanks for your support!

  4. Hey, new follower from Michelle's first blog hop. Congrats on your blogiversary! :) Looking forward to checking out your blog some more.


    1. Thanks so much for becoming a follower! I will definitely check your blog out :)


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