DIY Applique Dish Towel on Seams and Scissors

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all are having a great Tuesday! 

Today I just wanted to pop in and say that I have a new DIY post up on Seams and Scissors! The DIY post that is up on their site is an Appliqué Dish Towel

Seams and Scissors asked me to create a DIY using a dishtowel and the appliqué towel is what I came up! If you're new to appliqué, it basically where you sew one fabric on top of another to either form a pattern or a picture. Usually, the appliqué is done by hand, but you can use your sewing machine. 

In the project that I made for Seams and Scissors, I decided to show you guys 2 things. First, is how you can make your own appliqué letters and second, is how you can make appliqué pieces out of the background pattern on your fabric. I promise you, it's not hard! 

If want to learn how to make your own Appliqué Dish Towel, then stop on by Seams and Scissors and check it out.

You can see the full tutorial here!

xo Katie 

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